Fri 04 December
Optimo Foodbank Fundraiser with Job Jobse (Trouw, Amsterdam)

Our next OPTIMO party at the Sub Club is on FRIDAY 4TH DECEMBER.
Optimo’s good friend, comrade in arms and ace DJ, JOB JOBSE from Amsterdam has very kindly agreed to come and play for free. All money made on the night will be donated to Glasgow foodbanks.
While December is the season of goodwill, for many families it is a time of increased financial hardship and we want to try and do a little bit to assist those in need at this time of year.
JOB JOBSE came to most people’s attention through his role as booker and resident dj at Amsterdam’s legendary TROUW club which introduced the world (and us!) to his fabulous dj sets. Since then his dj career has taken off stratospherically and he now plays all over the world. We are delighted he has taken time out from his hectic schedule to very generously come and play in Glasgow for no fee.
Please come along for a great night of music that will also help support some of our fellow Glaswegians who are in less fortunate circumstances and suffering further due to the current government’s all out war on the poor of this country.
The night will run from 11pm – 4am. Job will play 1 – 3 and then back to back with us for the last hour until 4am.
Optimo ask that everyone makes a minimum donation of £10 on the door. If you are unemployed (please bring proof), we ask that you make a minimum donation of £1.
100% of the money raised will be distributed to various foodbanks around the city.
We ask that everyone makes a minimum donation of £10 on the door