Fri 03 January

Trading Places: The Subbie Trade Party

Mia Dora // Mash //Illyus

Free to trade staff // £5 otherwise

You are the unsung heroes of the festive season, the troops in the trenches and the crazy folk at the coalface. Without you the revellers of old Glasgow town could not get merry, without you the party-goers would have no cheer.

While Christmas kicks off for the rest of this fair city, we know that it is the bar staff, waiting staff, bouncers and bussers who bear the burden of making the silly season go with a swing. As you purvey your liquid wares with a smile and in style, we know you’re missing out on a lot of the fun and all for the hope of top tips to top up that minimum wage work.

So once the smoke has cleared and the collective hangover takes its final toll at the start of 2014, the Sub Club would love to serve you for a night instead. Trade your venue for ours, trade your side of the bar for the customer’s and come join us for a celebration of a job well done over the last few weeks.

Meantime, we salute you! Hang in there, keep your spirits flowing and we’ll see you on the other side!

(Shop staff, street sweepers, toilet cleaners, taxi drivers, parents, postmen, delivery drivers, toymakers and Santa Claus all welcome too…)

Pre Party at Bier Halle on Gordon Street