What Recondite reckons about Nature, Hunting, Hinterland & his Live Set…

Emerging from the Bavarian wilds via the Berlin based Plagent imprint, we bring you the deep and cryptic field sounds of Recondite the alias of German artist Lorenz Brunner. A relative newcomer to production, Brunner began releasing a steady stream of singles in 2011 via his own Plangent Records imprint, before releasing 2012′s On Acid on, rather fittingly, Absurd recordings sub-label Acid Test.

Following short-form releases on Dystopian, Midnight Shift and Trolldans, his debut LP for Ghostly International, ‘Hinterland‘, has literally just landed, the latest worthy and weighty release in the label’s already impressive catalogue.

His lean but intricate and melodic techno comes from a rural heart, filled with emotions both light and dark and a live set of beautiful and mesmerising electronic music beckons with Harri and Dominic presiding.


Tell us about where your inspiration came from for your latest album and also what influences the live techno set?

The main inspirational source for creating the LP was obviously the nature and it’s diverse atmospheres. To be more specific, my place of birth – the Bavarian Hinterland and it s many shades were interpreted. As much as this kind of holds a certain concept, which is nice for a project like an LP – I wouldn’t want to narrow down my live set to the moods displayed on this album.

In my live set I am able to go very deep for 90 minutes but I also can progress to harder, more functional stuff which was not intended to be on ‘Hinterland‘. The album is more electronica, but for Sub Club (and the crazy Scottish crowd) I will push this live set to a techno set…


***Above is a recording of his amazing and ground breaking set, which he played at the Les Enfants Terribles party in TrouwAmsterdam on Saturday 29.12.2012.***

On the topic of your homeland in Lower Bavaria, what were your top five memories of childhood/earlier years there? Were there any musical influences from this stage in your life?

What comes to mind is this: When i was 6 years old, my parents moved to a very remote house. Before we lived in a 200 inhabitants village so it was not a big change, but the new house was just really remote. There is a little forest next to the house, which belongs to the neighbour (who was almost 1KM away) and he allowed me to play there and do whatever I wanted basically. So almost everyday after school I had dinner, mostly while watching some bullshit on TV, after deciding to make homework later (or not at all) I went outside, alone. usually just strolling around in the woods, acting like some kind of hunter or survivor equipped with bow and arrow…

This one day – without a real intention to hunt – this deer appeared 15 m. in front of me and apparently did not notice me. I pulled my bow and aimed, but did not shoot. Of course my shitty bow and arrow wouldn’t have done anything to that dear, but still I just wasn’t able to shoot and act like I wanted to kill that beautiful animal.

red deer Gustav roaring

Having said that my father is a hunter and I’m aware of certain important roles a hunter plays in the human influenced wildlife of lower Bavaria, but on that day I decided not to become a hunter, as with or without pragmatic and objective reasons, I just would not want to kill mammals unless my life would depend on it.

I know – thats no too much, but at least a little story ;)

A career in music was a much better choice ;)

From you story above and the album you clearly have a passionate interest in nature and its beauties. We also noticed some remarkable photography on your pages. Have you got any particular favourite pictures of nature , landscapes, touring (ibiza, ADE etc?) Can you share these with us?

This picture was taken in Taiwan on the west coast. there was a festival going on in May called ORGANIK and this was by far the most beautiful spot i have ever played at. the dj booth was not very far away from where i took this pic…

Recondite Image 1 taiwan

The next one is very close to the area of FUSION Festival. On our way home we stopped near a forest on our way back to Berlin and discovered this beautiful moor…

Recondite 2

We would like to thank Lorenz for this remarkable insight into his creative inspiration and his own Bavarian wilderness.

You can stream the whole album from Fact Mag here

Advance Tickets for his live show at Subculture on Saturday are still available from both Resident Advisor & Tickets Scotland.


08:45 • 13 Nov 13