Sat 07 September

Subculture vs Optimo Boat Party

The River Clyde runs right through the heart of our Dear Green Place, making and shaping Glasgow and it’s citizen’s fortunes for hundreds of years through trade and industry, hard work and tough times.

So it’s fitting that the cornerstones of the city’s club culture, music-makers and record players who have reigned steely and steadfast as fads and fashions have come and gone, are taking to the ‘watter’ once again.

Harri, Domenic, Twitch and Wilkes have at least century of vinyl, digital, know-how and nous between them, welding together residencies and parties that last long in memory and stand the test of time. As we launch another ship into that murky and meandering lifeblood we guarantee a Clyde-built session, riveted and sure.

To hammer home this iron-clad promise please listen to the recordings of a Subculture vs Optimo session from 2012 and let the sparks fly… Part One:  Part Two.

Advance tickets are available here or online & in person from Tickets Scotland.